
Farmhouse is one of tourist destination located on Gudangkahuripan Street no. 108, Lembang, West Bandung Regency. This place has various kind of tourist attractions. Those are Hobbit House like Hobbiton in New Zealand, Theme park with European-style buildings, Dutch costume for rent, Mini Zoo, Padlock Love, etc. The design of Hobbit house made a closely a possible to what you normally see in the film. This place is so Instagramable because lot of tourist take a picture and upload it to Instagram. If you come with your couple. You must visit "Gembok Cinta". You can perpetuate your feelings of love to your couple by locking your love in there. There is a mini farm, where many liked by children who want to watch closely the various animals such as goat, sheep, goose, rabbit, bird, chicken, horse, and others. Me and my friend, Gare make a video about this place. Don't forget to watch it!